Category Archives: COE

Singapore Motorcycle Industry: Navigating Electric Transition and Government Policies

Motorcycle future in Singapore refers to the evolving landscape of motorcycle usage and regulation in the island nation, emphasizing a transition towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation options. Traditionally, motorcycles have been a ubiquitous presence on Singaporean roads, with approximately 143,000 registered motorcycles as of recent statistics, the majority being internal combustion engine models.[1] […]

The Essential Guide to Motorcycle Inspection in Singapore: Every Rider’s Must-Know

Motorcycle Inspection

Motorcycle Inspections: Every seasoned motorcyclist in Singapore knows the importance of a regular bike inspection. It ensures rider’s safety, minimises risk of sudden breakdown and aligns with Singapore’s strict emission standards. Welcome fellow riders, to your ultimate guide on Motorcycle Inspection Singapore! You’ll be enlightened with key information about Singapore Bike Inspection, Motorcycle COE Renewal […]

COE 101: Unfolding the Future of Singapore’s Automotive World


Singapore, a country admired for its effective approach in managing vehicular population, has a unique and intriguing system dubbed as the Certificate of Entitlement (COE). As an integral part of the country’s mechanism, it has created a significant impact in fostering its automotive industry. Understand how this tool works to usher in a significant era […]