Author Archives: Dee Lee

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Generic Motorcycle Tyres in Singapore

motorcycle tyres

Every biker knows that the soul of their ride lies not just in the engine’s roar, but in the contact between rubber and road. The right set of motorcycle tyres can elevate your riding experience, ensuring safety, performance, and, importantly, value for money. However, with the multitude of choices available, particularly in bustling markets like […]

The Optimal Motorcycle Tyre Pressure for Enhanced Performance

motorcycle tyre pressure

Imagine the thrill of a motorcycle ride where every curve, acceleration, and stop feels perfectly aligned with your expectations. This ideal scenario starts with understanding a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of motorcycle maintenance: the tyre pressure. It’s not merely about inflating your tyres and hitting the road. The right tyre pressure is akin to […]

How Different Motorcycle Tyre Types Influence Your Ride


Imagine straddling your motorcycle, the engine purring soothingly, ready for a ride. But did you ever wonder the role your motorcycle tyre types play in this dreamy sequence? Depending on your motorcycle tyres type, your ride can entirely differ. This blog post will explore various motorcycle tyres including racing, touring, off-road, dual sport, and even […]

Your Comprehensive Guide to Effective Motorcycle Tyre Replacement


Proper maintenance of your motorcycle tyres is paramount in keeping you safe on the road, affecting everything from manoeuvrability to braking distance. Ensuring their proper maintenance, however, can sometimes be a black box for many riders. This guide aims to shed light on motorcycle tyre replacement procedures and practices, addressing salient points such as when […]

Motorcycle Valve Clearance: Its Impact and Importance for Your Motorbike’s Performance


Your pride and joy, your mechanical beast on two wheels, your motorbike; its performance is pivotal to your riding experience. But did you know that something as seemingly innocuous as motorcycle valve clearance can significantly influence it? As an engine component, valve clearance holds a key role in your bike’s operation. Let’s delve into its […]

Changing Motorcycle Engine Oil

Motorcycle Engine Oil

Motorcycle Engine Oil: Whether you are an avid rider or just use your motorcycle for commutes, proper maintenance is non-negotiable if you aim to enjoy your journey on the road and keep your ride as smooth as possible. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the intricacies of motorcycle engine oil, the importance of changing […]