Motorcycle insurance claims in Singapore with Speedzone is a service that helps motorcycle owners in Singapore to file and process insurance claims for damages or losses to their motorcycles. This service is provided by Speedzone, a company that specializes in providing insurance solutions for motorcycles in Singapore.

To use this service, a motorcycle owner would first need to have a motorcycle insurance policy with Speedzone. If the owner has such a policy and their motorcycle is damaged or lost, they can contact Speedzone to file a claim. The company will then guide the owner through the process of filing the claim and provide assistance with documentation and other requirements.

Once the claim is filed, Speedzone will work with the insurance company to assess the damages and determine the amount of compensation to be paid to the owner. The company will also assist with the negotiation and settlement of the claim, ensuring that the owner receives a fair and timely payment for their loss.

Overall, the service of motorcycle insurance claims in Singapore with Speedzone is designed to provide a convenient and hassle-free way for motorcycle owners to get compensation for damages or losses to their vehicles. By working with experienced professionals and providing expert assistance with the claims process, Speedzone aims to make it easy for motorcycle owners to get the compensation they are entitled to.

Process of motorcycle insurance claims

Filling up form


Frequently Ask Questions

Yes. You need a separate policy for your motorcycle, one that lists it and any riders who might use it. This is of paramount importance, because according to Singapore road law, you cannot ride a motorbike without it.

Yes. However, you will not be able to ride your bike and you will need to lay up the motorcycle.

We are working with;

  • MSIG
  • NTUC

Yes. Whether you’re driving a car or motorbike, doing so without insurance is illegal in Singapore.

There are 3 types of coverage you can choose from, which are;

  1. Third Party Only
    • Death or injury to other parties
    • Damage to other parties' property
  2. Third Party Fire & Theft
    • Death or injury to other parties
    • Damage to other parties' property
    • Fire damage to, or theft of, your vehicle
  3. Comprehensive
    • Death or injury to other parties
    • Damage to other parties' property
    • Fire damage to, or theft of, your vehicle
    • Accidental damage to your vehicle
    • Windscreen damage
    • Damage arising from riot, strike and civil commotion
    • Personal accident cover (private car only)
    • Medical expenses (private car only)

You are required to report the accident to the local police. If your motorcycle is damaged or it is no longer safe for you to ride your motorcycle, we will assist to arrange towing services to bring your motorcycle back to Singapore.

The rider involved in the accident must report personally within 24 hours or the next working day, with a copy of his/her driving licence and NRIC, to any Accident Reporting Centre. The motorcycle must be present at the time of reporting.

Report the accident to your insurance company, after reporting  you may proceed to our workshop to file a third party claim

Typically the insurance claim would take approximately 1 - 3 months depending on various situations.